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Showing posts from May, 2015

Net profit of Nifty firms halves in fourth quarter

For India's leading companies, the quarter ended March has been a washout. The combined net profit of the 43 companies in the benchmark National Stock Exchange Nifty index that have declared their results so far has halved during the quarter compared to the corresponding period a year earlier. The Nifty index comprises 50 companies. This makes it the worst quarter for Nifty companies since the September 2008 Lehman collapse, when there was a sudden drop in revenues and profits of commodity producers, automobile makers and banks, as credit markets were squeezed. In the March 2015 quarter, the combined (reported) net profit of the 43 companies fell 51.6 per cent to Rs 33,854.30 crore from Rs 68,979.4 crore in the year-ago quarter. India Inc's performance in the quarter ended March was hit by tepid growth in demand, both in India and abroad, a fall in metal and energy prices, adverse exchange rate movement and large write-downs in the value of assets (in case of Vedant